

from $35.00


If you’ve been looking for an online class for learning beekeeping, look no further. You will be taught by Master Beekeepers and well-seasoned beekeepers. We held the classes live in January and February but taped them just for you! We are always available to answer any questions as your journey takes you thru the classes

Six classes can be purchased as a package or you can take the one that interests you the most. We suggest you take all six to receive a well rounded education about bees and beekeeping. If you take all six you’ll be eligible to do some live, hands on training in the spring/summer when COVID and the weather permits.

Classes include handouts that will be emailed with each private link.


Beekeeping 101 - Class 1

Welcome, getting started, benefits of bees, types of bees, origins and features, female casts/drones, life cycle - duties - behavior, communication, when to get your hive, other resources

Beekeeping 101 -Class 2

Location of hive, electric fencing, predators & loss prevention, purchasing used equipment, types of hives, hive parts, hive equipment, clothing, tools, smoker/fuel, how to light a smoker, accessories, building equipment, coping with stings, clubs/mentors

10 frame vs. 8 frame/med. vs. deeps

Beekeeping 101 - Class 3

Unwrapping wintered over colonies, biology basics, bees & pheromones, jobs bees have, package/nucleus installation, feeding, spring management, building up, inspections/checklist, swarms and splitting, record keeping

Beekeeping 101 - Class 4

Pests & mites, testing, IPM, brood diseases, treatments

Beekeeping 101 - Class 5

Reading frames, summer management, preparing for dearth, prevention of robbing

Beekeeping 101 - Class 6

Fall management, fall feeding, mouse guards, disappearing drones, winter feeding, how to clear honey supers, extraction & labeling, ordering your bees & equipment, winterizing your hives

Ordering your bees & equipment

We hope that you will join us during the upcoming season for First Saturday Hive Dives (covid and weather permitting).

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